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Monday, January 30, 2012

Home FLooded While Mother is in Hospital

Mother of three, Jodie Seymour, has effectively lost the roof over her head - and so have her daughters.

Just out of hospital and still in pain from major surgery, she will have to get used to continuing her recovery on other people's couches.

"What a mess," she said yesterday, holding back the tears as she surveyed what had been her Cedar Crt home for some years, until a plumbing failure on Australia Day destroyed all that.

It was a flood that had nothing to do with all the rain that affected the rest of us.

"I didn't want to be the person to have to tell you this," her friend Ashleigh Rose said on Thursday, breaking the news to the hospital-bound Ms Seymour via mobile phone.

"It wasn't much of an Australia Day for us," Ms Seymour said.

But she added that the Australians who came out of nowhere to help were what saved the day for her.

"I could look out from the hospital and see the house," she said.

"They rang me up when the shipping container arrived. I watched them back it in and load it up."

Ms Rose said her friend didn't even know what she'd lost and what was still worth saving.

"I was first on the scene. I'd gone around to the house because Jodie only had hot clothes and she needed some cooler pyjamas," she said.

"There was water pouring out one of the doors. It was coming from a ruptured hot water line and the cold water line was about to go."

The water loss was one thing, but the electricity bill from the hot water system would be another problem again.

"I turned off the water supply and the plumber disconnected the hot water system," Ms Rose said.

Uncounted thousands of litres of water poured onto the undrained bathroom floor and wrecked the house interior and many belongings.

Ms Seymour said she owed thanks to her friends, neighbours across the road who formed "a small army of helpers" and people at Jefco Containers in River Rd, who rented them a shipping container without a deposit.

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