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Monday, December 13, 2010

Broken Pipe Haunts Residents

LIVINGSTON COUNTY, Ky. — From devastation to anger and frustration and now a plea for help to fix the problem.

The situation is the flooding in Livingston County in May. The Depot Road area of the county flooded after Army Corps officials opened Barkley Dam to help relieve flooding in Nashville, Tennessee.

At first, everyone thought a broken flap-gate was to blame. Then, just last week, Local 6 learned for there was no flap-gate to begin with to protect the Depot Road area from a flooding Cumberland River.

The Army Corps is now recognizing that there is no flap-gate and agreed the issue needs to be addressed. However, the solution isn't an easy one.

"There's a lot of concerns, but yes, we're willing to come up there and look at it now that we know there was flooding that possibly could be impacted with something in this area. I just don't want to raise anybody's hopes with a simple answer," Mike Wilson with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said.

Lawrence and Doris Belcher live in the area and their home flooded in May. They said it's up to the Corps to fix the pipe.

"We lost everything, just about," Belcher said. "I know they can. That's what gets us. I just don't understand why they won't."

To learn more about this potential project, and how the funding would be divided, watch the video.

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