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Monday, December 13, 2010

Floods In Washington Force Residents From Their Homes

The heavy rain has begun to diminish and rivers are beginning to recede after a dangerously wet weekend in western Washington.
The Stillaguamish River reached record flood stage Sunday afternoon, tying the record set in November of 2006.  
About 230 homes and businesses in Granite Falls near the Stillaguamish River have been asked to evacuate.
Sandbagging efforts in Stanwood, along the Stillaguamish, continued into the night.
Severe and possibly near-record flooding was also predicted in on the Snohomish River near Monroe and the city of Snohomish.
Snohomish County's Department of Emergency Management is monitoring river levels along the Stillaguamish, Snohomish and Skykomish rivers, as well as tributaries including the Pilchuck River.
On Saturday night DEM contacted about 750 homes in the county's river basins, urging them to take precautions.
"We've taken steps to make sure we are prepared to handle this storm and to assist different cities in need," Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon said. "Still, residents should take proper precautions if they live near a waterway."

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