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Thursday, July 21, 2011

City to Handle Mold Issue

Scottsboro Mayor Melton Potter said Monday the issue of mold at the Scottsboro Public Library is being handled.

Mold was found in the library's large meeting room eight weeks ago. A combination of extreme rain and stopped up gutters due to leaves is the expected cause of the problem.

Other causes included improper cleaning, which Potter said caused water to back up on the roof's flat surface and enter the building.

"Numerous leaks have led to the development of mold," he said.

The cleanup, Potter said, does not qualify for insurance coverage, leaving the city to pay $16,300 for the mold removal.

"We are going to talk with the library director and see if part of the cost can be paid out of library expenses," said Potter.

Councilman Carol McCrary said the city should take care of all costs associated with the clean up.

"The building belongs to the city, after all," she said. "It seems only right that we take care of it."

The mold is concentrated to the conference meeting room only, an area that has remained blocked off from library workers and regular library traffic.

Cleanup is expected to begin the first week of August.

"That week is the perfect time to have this situation completely fixed," said Potter. "By then, all of the summer programs are over and the children will be starting back to school a week afterward."

Potter expects the library to be closed for one week during this process.

"We want to make sure it's 100 percent gone before we reopen the library," he said.

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