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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Family Struggles To Find Aid After Home Is Flooded By Sewage

BIANCA Wellstead held back tears when she was told the Clarion Mackay Marina Hotel would give her family and visiting friends a room for the night after their house was inundated by sewage.
Yesterday, as she thanked her benefactors, her mood was as sunny as Mackay's fine weather after weeks of rain.
“The Clarion hotel put us up in a spa room and they put the kids in an interconnecting room. They gave us a meal voucher for dinner and breakfast,” she said.
“Not only did they put up myself, my husband and our three children, but also our visitors.
“The night was just fantastic. I had to duck back home ... to grab a few things and when I walked into our house I realised just how horrible it was – it was good not to have to smell the sewage.”
The Daily Mercury reported on Saturday that heavy rain had caused problems with Mackay's sewerage system, which resulted in the Wellstead's Grendon Street home and backyard being flooded with an estimated 60,000 litres of sewage. It spilt into their two-bedroom home's only toilet, shower and laundry.
When the Clarion heard about the family's situation they decided to lend a helping hand on Friday night.
“It was so lovely what the Clarion hotel did for us – we have just been overwhelmed but very grateful for the support the Mackay community has given us,” Ms Wellstead said.
“It has been unbelievable how many people have offered to help us. We are very thankful.
“When I rang my insurance company they said we were not covered for sewage damage so I emailed all the Mackay Regional Council councillors, our State member and Federal member. George Christensen's office was very helpful and they rang the insurance company and sorted it all out for us. So we now have temporary accommodation.
“We were offered a fully furnished house at Bucasia to rent, which is great because all we have to do is pick up our personal belongings and the pets and move straight in.”
Ms Wellstead said she was not sure how long it would be before they could move back into their home.
“Council is working hard to find a solution but until then we cannot, and I will not go back until it's sorted out,” she said.
Scattered storms yesterday dumped falls of up to about 25mm but the region was mainly fine.
The Bureau of Meteorology forecast for the next three days is for possible scattered showers and thunderstorms, mainly in the afternoon.

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