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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Town Sets to Fix Leaky Pipes

September rains that sent sewage pouring into some Poolesville houses early in the month gave the town a chance to detect the source of the problem.

Some lateral pipes that connect houses to the main sewer lines have no soil under the coupling and sank as the ground settled, creating a gap between the lateral pipe and the main line, Town Commissioner Jerome Klobukowski said. Now the town will have to stabilize the pipes and reseal the couplings.

The solution will be to compact the soil, pour concrete on top and lock it together, Klobukowski said.

For 20 years, residents of some houses in the Wesmond community have seen sewage flood into their basements during heavy rainfalls.

Sewage backup occurs when sewage lines to houses are lower than the main pump lines, Town Manager Wade Yost said.

Heavy rain on Sept. 8 that flooded some house was followed by steady rain throughout the rest of the month. Although the rain later in the month did not overflow the sewage system, it offered ideal conditions for the town to send cameras into the pipes to search for cracks. Using a TV camera, the town found 92 of the 276 couplings that joined the lateral pipes to the main pipes in the Wesmond community were not aligned.

The ground has to be saturated in order to see the problem, Yost said.

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